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OFFTEK 128MB Replacement Memory RAM Upgrade for Asus Prodigy P4BL (AB-P2310) (PC2100 - Non-ECC) Motherboard Memory

販売価格:¥12500.00円¥8130.00円 (税込)




・Easy installation. RAM is one of the simplest ways to upgrade. No Operating System or software updates needed. (Plug & Play). Install guides at OFFTEK.
・Improve the overall performance of the machine. Faster boot times. Increased productivity. Increased multitasking. Extend the life of the machine.
・Limited Lifetime Warranty - Feel confident that your memory will last a lifetime. Our limited lifetime warranty guarantees that if your memory should ever fail we will replace or repair the product free of charge provided that it is still manufactured.
・OFFTEK memory is manufactured using premier quality components. Module level testing ensures long term reliability which is backed by 25+ years of memory expertise.
・100% Compatibility - Every memory product matched specifically to your machine is individually tested to guarantee reliability and 100% compatibility with your computer and operating system.
説明: OFFTEK 128MB Replacement Memory RAM Upgrade for Asus Prodigy P4BL (AB-P2310) (PC2100 - Non-ECC) Motherboard Memory
OFFTEK Part Number :- FT16MLD64V6G-373565
Capacity :- 128MB Module
Form Factor :- DIMM 184-pin
Memory Type :- DDR SDRAM
Bandwidth :- PC2100 (PC266)
Memory Specs :- 184 Pin 2.5v DDR266 Non-ECC Dimm
Equivalent to OEM Part :- 373565-AS-128
Premier Brand Memory
We only use branded memory modules from leading manufacturers.
100% Compatibility
Every memory product matched specifically to your machine is individually tested to guarantee reliability and 100% compatibility with your computer and operating system.
Limited Lifetime Warranty
Feel confident that your memory will last a lifetime. Our limited lifetime warranty guarantees that if your memory should ever fail we will replace or repair the product free of charge provided that it is still manufactured.
メーカー: Offtek
ブランド: OFFTEK
高さ: 0.0
幅: 0.0
奥行: 0.0
重量: 0.0


OFFTEK 128MB Replacement Memory RAM Upgrade for Asus Prodigy P4BL (AB-P2310) (PC2100 - Non-ECC) Motherboard Memory
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OFFTEK 128MB Replacement Memory RAM Upgrade for Asus Prodigy P4BL (AB-P2310) (PC2100 - Non-ECC) Motherboard Memory
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クチコミ評価(4.9 / 811件)




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