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Giro Article/Lusi 用レンズ One Size オレンジ 並行輸入品

販売価格:¥21600.00円¥13610.00円 (税込)




・Giro offers a full assortment of performance-engineered polycarbonate lenses in a wide range of lens tints to enhance your vision in conditions ranging from bluebird to dark and stormy. Every lens filters 100% of harmful UV, and features durable coatings that resist fogging and scratches.
・Replacement Lens for the Giro Article and Lusi Ski Goggles
・Giro offers a full assortment of performance-engineered polycarbonate lenses in a wide range of lens tints to enhance your vision in conditions ranging from bluebird to dark and stormy.
・Every lens filters 100% of harmful UV, and features durable coatings that resist fogging and scratches.
・VIVID LENS TECHNOLOGY with Optics by ZEISS - VIVID is a patented lens technology developed by Giro in partnership with Zeiss. VIVID improves the visual experience on snow by enhancing contrast and definition. VIVID Lens Technology effectively manipulates blue light by letting in contrast enhancing blue light, while blocking harmful UV light. Vivid essentially filters out the haze and frees your eyes to sport your line and focus on enjoying your riding/skiing experience.
説明: Vivid Infrared Lens with 52% VLT, great for Overcast/Storm conditions
カテゴリー: ゴーグル
メーカー: Giro
ブランド: GIRO(ジロ)
高さ: 17.7 センチ
幅: 10.1 センチ
奥行: 6.3 センチ
重量: 0.1 Kg


Giro Article/Lusi 用レンズ One Size オレンジ 並行輸入品
GIROジロスキーゴーグルならスキー用品通販ショップ - タナベ
Giro Article/Lusi 用レンズ One Size オレンジ 並行輸入品
Giro Article Ski Goggles - PROLENS
Giro Article/Lusi 用レンズ One Size オレンジ 並行輸入品
Giro Article/Lusi 用レンズ One Size オレンジ 並行輸入品
Giro Article Snow Goggles
Giro Article/Lusi 用レンズ One Size オレンジ 並行輸入品
Lusi Goggle
Giro Article/Lusi 用レンズ One Size オレンジ 並行輸入品
直営店で購入した正規品 未使用・未開封品Giro Article⁄Lusi
Giro Article/Lusi 用レンズ One Size オレンジ 並行輸入品
ジロ 2021 GIRO LUSI WHITE FLAKE VIVID Pink ルーシー スノー

クチコミ評価(4.8 / 603件)




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